Flexibility Progress Update 2
More hamstring flexibility progress! I’ve been able to touch my toes for weeks now, and last night I was able to touch the floor with my knees locked. I’ve never done that before 🙀

Flexibility Progress Update 1
The hamstring stretching routine I’ve been doing is working! After only a couple days I saw major gains. Unfortunately, it seems like my hamstrings reset each day and I have to stretch them again to reflexify them. Also, I haven’t seen much absolute progress since the first couple days. I’ll keep at it!

I’ve always had issues with hamstring and lower black flexibility. Even as a kid I couldn’t touch my toes with my knees locked and performed poorly on that part of physical fitness tests. In my 30s it became a problem when I pulled both hamstrings one summer playing softball.
Since then, I’ve been better about regular stretching and flexibility exercises (I even got to where I could touch my toes with my knees locked once!) but I still have issues with injury now and then. For example, I did three cycling workouts last week, and yesterday I was literally just walking around and felt like my left hamstring was about to give out.